After revealing the Porsche 911, Johnny tells V that he'll let them take it for a spin. Once the container is open, Johnny will ask V to remove the canvas sheet from the top of the car. Head down to the container and use the access key to unlock it. Simply turn on the panel to drop the container down to ground level.

V will need to head over to the control panel which is on a higher platform to the right. Rogue will leave before Johnny mentions that V should check out the container as he wants whatever is his.

After this, Rogue will knock Grayson unconscious and proceed to have an irritating conversation with V. Grayson will hand his access card to the container over to V easily. This is one of the only times within this quest that the player should go against what Johnny thinks. At first, Silverhand won't like this and call V soft, but the container Grayson points V to will pique his interest. Put the weapon away and tell him that he got lucky today. Listen to him, and when the option comes pick to spare him. While questioning Grayson about Smasher, he'll mention something about V being really into Silverhand. Grayson is a character V needs to interrogate about the Smasher. All of Silverhand's items can be accessed through this questline, so make sure to keep out a keen eye for the other items.

The player will need to continue to follow through with this quest until they reach Grayson. Here V will meet up with Johnny and take Misty's pills. Start by heading to the Afterlife in Little China.